Nos despedimos de un verano lleno de aprendizaje, inglés, diversión y mucha magia. Todo esto ha sido posible gracias a vosotros: Directivos, Monitores, MPs, Teachers, Personal de cada casa, Personal de oficinas... estamos muy satisfechos y orgullosos de la labor que habéis realizado. La gran diferencia de nuestros campamentos es el enorme equipo humano que tenemos. Vuestra entrega, motivación e ilusión hacen que nuestros alumnos disfruten de los mejores días del verano en English Summer S.A.
Esperamos que hayáis disfrutado tanto o más que los alumnos y deseamos que vuestro paso por nuestra organización os mantenga un bonito recuerdo. Thank you STAFF, este video es para vosotros:
We say goodbye to a summer full of learning, English, fun and lots of magic. All this has been possible thanks to you: Directives, Monitors, MPs, Teachers, Centres staff, Office staff... we are very satisfied and proud of the work you have done. The great difference of our camps is the enormous human team we have. Your delivery, motivation and enthusiasm make our students enjoy the best days of summer in English Summer S.A.
We hope you have enjoyed it as much or more than the students and we hope that your time in our organization will keep you a beautiful memory. Thank you STAFF, this video is for you:
At present there are 382 people working in English Summer S.A.
Some are the reason all this started
Some tell us who will visit us this summer
Some help us get ready to start
Some make sure we always have everything we need
Some coordinate and direct the houses...
Some prepare the houses for your arrival
Some make us feel that we already know you before you arrive
Some manage orders, quotes and invoices
Some teach the kids English
Some run, play and prepare activities for the kids
Some learn how it all works
Some make everything come together
Some make everything that happens visible.
At present there are 382 people working at English Summer S.A.
And we care about every single one of YOU.