Data Protection Compliance (GDPR) - Work with us 

Responsible for the Treatment: Identity: Grup or English Summer (formed by the companies ENGLISH SUMMER, SA - A43091388 summer camp services for children in English and language teaching -, ENGLISH SUMMER TRAVELS, SL - B10804458 agency services to study English abroad - and BALNEARIO VILLA ENGRACIA, SL - B43000405 lodging services and / or rental of tourist apartments) - Postal Address:  Partida de Tamarit, s/n. 43008 Tarragona - Telephone: 677.153.045 - Email of our Data Protection Officer:


We inform you that the information with your personal and curricular data that you provide us voluntarily will be treated by the companies that make up the English Summer Group in  order to keep you informed of possible vacancies that occur in our Entity and the future personnel selection processes that we may initiate. The time of conservation of your curricular data provided will be one year or when the award of the job corresponding to the selection process to which you participated. After this time, it will be destroyed. Your data will not be transferred to third parties. You can exercise your right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary, limitation, portability and opposition, in writing at the registered office indicated above or via email to, attaching in both cases a copy of an official document that identifies you. In the event that you consider that your rights have been violated, you also have the right to file a claim with the competent control authority (in this case, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection).

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